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Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyers

in West Virginia

There are Guidelines in Place to Keep You Safe

Just like other vehicles on the road there are specific guidelines that tractor trailer drivers must adhere to. These regulations also extend to management companies, vehicle maintenance fleets, cargo loading companies, and others who use vehicles in their business. Each truck accident may involve several entities that may be potentially liable for their part in a truck accident. If any party involved fails to adhere to these guidelines, accidents tend to happen. If you have been injured due to an accident stemming from the failure to follow these rules, you have a just claim for compensation. Our attorneys will help you through the legal procedures and find an outcome most suitable for you. Don't hesitate to call us today at (304)-346-0197.

Steps to Take After Being Involved in a Tractor Trailer Accident

Being involved in a tractor trailer accident is an awful experience, and can be a very stressful time. When you or a loved one is injured or affected by one of these incidents it is important to act quickly. Some steps to take include:


  1. Be sure to seek medical attention right away

  2. Involve the police immediately and file a report of the accident

  3. Get witness information and any other evidence you can, such as photo

  4. Do not speak with the other driver’s insurance company or adjusters


Injured in a Tractor Trailer Accident? Contact Us Today

Being injured can be a troubling time for everyone. It is important to find the right legal representation in order to be compensated for your injuries. At the Stroebel & Stroebel Law Firm, we will fight for you and your rights when it comes to tractor trailer accidents and injuries. Don't hesitate to contact us at (304) 346-0197 or schedule a free consultation online today. 

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